
Support Services

Steam Cleaning

Steam Cleaning and Pressure Washing are executed during environmental drilling projects to eliminate cross-contamination and ensure the best quality soil samples. Our system includes steam cleaner and wash bin for equipment decontamination, and a Triple Rinsing station including de-ionized water for cleaning sampling Equipment.. The steam cleaner is also an excellent choice for restoring heavily soiled job sites back to their original, squeaky-clean condition.

* Deionized Water available upon request.

Call our office today for information on our Steam Cleaning services, or to request a free estimate.

Olympus Digital Camera

Concrete Coring

To help you streamline the number of contractors on your project, Pacific Drilling also offers basic concrete coring equipment to expedite the process. Along with trained personnel, we will provide a generator for all jobs without an available 20-amp circuit.

Concrete Coring