
Grizzly EZ

Our truck-mounted Grizzly is your large diameter drilling solution. This bucket rig quickly advances 18-48 in. diameter borings, and can ream to 7 feet. With depth capabilities of up to 105 ft. (before stemming), and up to 160 ft. (with stem), the Grizzly is unmatched for down hole logging, caissons, drive samples, and any other large diameter boring needs you may have.

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Thumbs 14 (2)


Minimum Required Clearance:
W: 24 ft., H: 45 ft., L; 35 ft.

Minimum Operating Height:
45 ft.

Power Source:
115 hp Diesel

Auger/ Bucket Sizes:
18 in., 24 in., 30 in., 48 in.

Up To 160 ft.*
*Stemming Required from 104-160 ft.*


  • Down Hole Logging
  • Downhole cage w/lighting, ventilation, communication
  • Drive Samples
  • Septic Seepage Pits
  • Caisson Drilling