Our Dietrich D-50 drill is mounted to a 2010 Ford F-650. This rig has a powerful turbo diesel deck engine, auto hammer, rock coring, mud rotary, air rotary and augering capabilities. It has all the power and torque to tackle the most challenging rotary projects but is small enough to maneuver in relatively tight quarters, and light enough to be lifted by crane.
Minimum required Clearance
W:8 ft., H:13 ft., L:25 ft.
Minimum Operating Height
30 ft. (Mast Up)
23 ft (Feed Frame only – No Winches)
Power Source
140hp Diesel
Crane Weight
Rotary Capability:
6.5in (3.25 ID) Hollowstem Auger
8.5in (4.25 ID) Hollowstem Auger
11 in. (6.625 I.D) Hollow stem auger
3-5in. Mud Rotary
4-6in D.T.H. Air Hammer
Rock Coring (NQ/HQ)
Continuous Core Soil Sampling
Pitcher Barrel
Rig Features
LED Night Illumination Package