In early 2015 Pac Drill was chosen by HDR Engineering, Inc. (HDR) to attempt a challenging geotechnical investigation for the LOSSAN Double Track project in Rose Canyon, San Diego. The scope required borings to be advanced in multiple Creek Bed areas within the Railroad Right of way. Pacific Drilling Co and HDR worked closely to coordinate and organize equipment, and personnel from multiple companies and agencies to accomplish this two week project. Pac Drill utilized Bob’s Crane Service and their 200T Hydro crane to lift Pac Drill’s Fraste PL-G track mounted rotary rig up to 160ft over the existing railroad tracks and into the creek bed.
Challenges included: Drilling through unconsolidated, water saturated river deposits, including gravel and cobbles, short, night time work windows, unpredictable train schedules and biologically sensitive work areas.
The project was ultimately completed within the estimated time frame and within the approved task budget.
We thank HDR for putting their confidence in us.
Sediment Investigation With AECOM